Q&A 2 Part 2! =)

Hiya to whoever is reading this,

50 followers 4Q&A blog

You guys really liked part 1 of the Q&A and i had loads of awesome questions left, so here is the promised part 2! Thanks so much to everyone who submitted questions and i hope these answers live up to it!

From dewdrops0213 =

1) What habits do you have?

tapping fingers blog

-Tapping my fingers (i know how annoying that is sorry!)

– writing waaaaaaay too many to-do lists

– annoying the heck out of myself when i mess up

2) Hobbies?

blog singing kid

-rowing, hockey, athletics, 100 metres sprints, rounders, tennis, swimming, blogging, singing, dancing, being crazy, music etc.

3) Candy or Chocolate?

-Team chocolate all the way! (comment below if you are candy or chocolate!)

4) What kind of personality do you have?

-I’m quite an outgoing person and i’m in the middle between being an introvert or an extrovert

5) Would you rather be small and fast, or big and slow if you were an animal?

smiling cat blog

-I’d rather be small and fast, as long as i was something cute and not a sewer rat!

6) Fave animals?


– Cats, dogs, chinchillas, wolves, foxes, etc.

7) Favourite colours?

red blog

– Bright red, light grey, grey, most blues, teal, black, silver, white and gold

8) Fave Colour themes?

– Light grey and red (my bedroom!), blue and lilac, red and white, etc.

9) Do you listen to songs?

-I’m absolutely addicted to music and like quite a wide range!


Yeah, so as you could tell, DewDrops sent a lot, but i liked them all too much to choose!

Feel free to like, comment and subscribe! PLEASE ENTER MY SHORT STORY COMPETITION!




34 thoughts on “Q&A 2 Part 2! =)

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      1. Oh! In that case, I’ll probably scratch something up just for the sake of it XD can you remind me the details pls cuz all I remember is that it is due by Valentines Day

        Liked by 1 person

      2. oh yeah sure,
        – due midnight valentines day
        – can be anything up to 1,500 words but i don’t mind whatever size it is
        – any topic/subject
        – put it in a post and tag it to GeorgieGrlComp
        that’s basically it but check back to the posts on it using the search bar on my site =)

        Liked by 2 people

  1. OH my gosh thankyou for using my questions ❤ Sorry for sending so much I couldn't help it XD OMG we are so alike. I AM CHOCOLATE ALL THE WAY 😛 I love foxes, dogs, etc !!! This year I've found that i'm more of an introvert but sometimes I can be out going. I love mostly blues and all of the colors you picked ❤ I would rather be small and fast too 😉


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