Things went a little downhill…

Hiya to whoever is reading this,

I’m so sorry I haven’t posted recently, but I’ve not been very well and had to revise whilst coughing my lungs out. 

But something happened to me yesterday, that’s never happened to me before and I thought I share it with you guys…

When I went to bed on Thursday night, my coughing increased, becoming more frequent and much more violent. After hours of no sleep my parents took me back downstairs to the kitchen and tried everything they could to subside the violent hacking coming from my lungs. My cough then started to get rather like the croup cough, my throat was in agony and my breathing became very difficult. My head was on fire with pain and my breathing just kept getting worse.

We called the health advice service who sent a paramedic to my house. When the paramedic arrived, he gave me a nebuliser of gas medication which made no difference and shortly after he called for an ambulance at 1am.

In the ambulance I was attached to another nebuliser which had no real effect and at hospital I was taken immediately into the teens A&E ward. The nurses began trying to treat me but my breathing started getting even worse and after attaching me with many wires to a machine, and accidentally spilling blood everywhere whilst sticking a cannula into my hand, I was wheeled into the resuscitation ward/intensive care unit.

Loads of doctors and nurses were surrounding my bed and after giving me more medication, which made my cough and my breathing difficulties  decrease, I was taken up to the teens short stay ward which was blissfully quiet for 4-5am and after having loads of swabs taken and more tests done, I was allowed to sleep.

2 hours of sleep later I was woken up for more tests, medication and breakfast. I was told that I should be released around midday and the entertainment specialist tried to engage me in a variety of problem solving kids games for the next few hours whilst the doctors sorted my meds to take home.

Midday came and went. I had lunch (spaghetti boglanaise) and we were hopeful that I’d be leaving soon. Unfortunately, my breathing started to worsen again and I was attached up to another nebuliser and given more meds. They told me I might have to spend another night in hospital and I was so upset because even though it wasn’t bad at all in hospital, I’d prefer to be at home.

The afternoon went on, I slept for a bit whilst my mum was away buying coffee and I was woken whilst the nurses were wheeling me to a private room so I could sleep better without disturbing the other patients.

After dinner (and what seemed like eternity) I was allowed to leave. Annoyingly in this case, my family doesn’t have a car and I had to get the bus (and walk uphill) to get home. To be honest it was more of a stagger than a walk as I was so tired and dizzy (I’d only had 2hours of sleep in 2days).

When I got home I showered (it was so nice to wash away all of the hospital chemical smell from my skin) and collapsed into bed whilst my parents sorted the timetable for my meds.

So that brings me to now. Lying in bed on the Saturday morning after a Friday locked in hospital. My lack of sleep has caught up on me and I’m sooooo tired even after a thankfully peaceful nigh’s sleep. I’m still no where near fully recovered and most of my pain is being covered with meds. 

I just want to say thank you to all the doctors, staff and nurses who helped me, because even though they’ll probably never see this post, it feels like the right thing to do. Also thanks to everyone who DM’ed or texted me saying such nice words of support, it gave me a bit of hope when I really needed it.

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79 thoughts on “Things went a little downhill…

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  1. OMFG!! Pls be alright!!! God, what happened?? I mean why did you start coughing so much?? Hope you feel lots and lots and lots better!! Take care!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. That sounds legit horrifying. :O
    Sometimes at night, I get breathing problems and I have no idea why.
    Probably because of the position I lay in.
    Fortunately, I have an inhaler to make me feel better.
    But DANG
    My experience is nothing compared to yours. :O

    Liked by 1 person

      1. To be totally honest, I’m actually afraid of speaking to the doctor about it. However, my breathing has been getting better since I’ve been changing sleeping positions. ^-^

        Liked by 1 person

  3. Sorry to hear you are going through this Georgie. Stay strong Georgie and I hope you get lots of rest and feel better soon. You are my hero Georgie! Take care keep us all updated and rest well Georgie!

    Liked by 1 person

      1. I wrote that story for you but don’t read it until you are better I don’t want you to hurt your eyes since you are very tired and have a lot of sleep to catch up on! Enjoy when you are rested and well!

        Liked by 1 person

  4. Aw Georgie I hope you are feeling well. Coughing really hurts like hell. Woah that rhymed 😂 Just take rest and take your meds on time, and yes, GET WELL SOON! ☺

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks 🙂
      Hmmm… my best tip is probably :
      don’t post for the sake of getting something up online. You’ll feel so much better about uploading a post you are genuinely proud of than a post that you just pushed together because you felt pressured into posting. Each time you upload, make sure you are really proud of what you’ve produced.
      Good luck 🙂


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